Heat from VALSER mineral water put to good use thanks to local partnership

Together with 7132 Hotels, VALSER has installed a heat-exchanger/heat-pump system. The mineral water from the St. Petersquelle (spring), which has a temperature of 30°C, is now used to heat the Vals thermal baths. This local partnership allows both VALSER and 7132 Hotels to reduce their carbon footprint.

VALSER mineral water has a temperature of about 30°C when it comes out of the ground. A lower bottling temperature is better if it is to be bottled as mineral water efficiently. This means that the water temperature has to be reduced. But for the guests at the Vals thermal baths, the water’s temperature needs to be maintained at a pleasant 30°C. 

Renewable energy for the Vals thermal baths

The installation of a heat-exchanger/heat-pump system has created a win-win situation. The heat pump reduces the temperature of VALSER mineral water to 14°C and thus generates high-quality thermal energy in the form of water at 60°C. It is this water that is used to heat the Vals thermal baths. 

Using this renewable energy, 7132 Hotels can reduce its consumption of heating oil by around 250,000 litres a year, thus mitigating CO2 by approximately 730 metric tons. 


The project is an example of the utilisation of synergies. The two of us, 7132 Hotels and VALSER, we complement each other perfectly. 

Katrin Rüfenacht General Manager of 7132 Hotels

Further sustainable investment

The installation of the heat-exchanger/heat-pump system is just one of the sustainability initiatives that CCHBC Switzerland has implemented in recent months. Despite the pandemic, CCHBC has continued to work on its sustainability objectives – and has made investments. Find out more by reading our Sustainability Report 2020.