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Current Site: Switzerland
In 2023, we needed 1.58 litres of water to produce 1 litre of beverage - around 20% less than in 2010. We are working continuously to further reduce water consumption for our beverages.
Water is the main ingredient in our beverages. That’s why we are especially careful not to waste water and to use this valuable raw material efficiently as we make our products. In production, water is used for things like cooling equipment and cleaning our glass bottles.
As one of the first companies in Switzerland, we have been awarded the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Gold Standard in 2020.
On the one hand, the standard recognises the sustainable water use initiatives we implemented in the production facilities in Dietlikon and Vals. On the other hand, it also acknowledges our regional cooperation with the stakeholder authorities and organisations. This means, for example, that we work together with the municipalities to tackle common challenges regarding water use in the watershed in an exemplary manner.
The standard relates to five key issues:
* The WHO has integrated WASH into the sustainable development goals (SDG 6).
The Gold certification demonstrates our careful water use in productions and make a significant contribution to the improvement of the regional water management.
We have installed water meters at our production facilities to monitor our water use. The meters help us monitor planned consumption and identify where we can conserve even more water. They also allow us to gather information promptly and with greater accuracy. This improves the quality of data on aspects such as water use and calculation of recycled water.